Hi there! It's been a very loooong while! You know
what? I don't regret starting this blog at all. It made me realize that writing
is not my thing. When I first started it, it felt like a dream come true, but
now it's been months and I didn't feel like writing so it can't have been my
thing. So, I decided to give it another use, and make it like some kind if
diary, a place where I document the different things I do (which are not many
for now). When I say document, you might need to be reminded that half my
documentations will be about new anime I started or finished watching, because
that seems to be the only interesting thing going on with my life now. Hopefully,
it won't be for long, since it seems that I actually found an interesting hobby
that might become more than that.

Here I go, so what's new, since my last blog entry?
Yes, I said I'll be watching Durarara! And I did! I
watched Durarara! And Durarara!!x2 They were really good! I didn't like Durarara!!x2
in the beginning as much as Durarara! I didn't like the new characters
introduced in the first couple of episodes, but then I got used to them and the
other new characters were kind of cool; that's aside from the fact that
Heiwajima Shizuo never seizes to be awesome! X2's finale was, in my modest
opinion, better than Durarara's. Conclusion: Now I have one more favorite anime
(I think it deserves to be in my top 10) and a bunch of favorite characters with
Shizu-chan and Celty on top.

What else? Yes! I
started watching Naruto! And this is big! I remember when I started watching
anime, and I knew about the big three, Naruto didn't interest me, mainly
because of the art, and I have to say I still think the art and the animation
in Naruto is kind of poor compared to Bleach for example. I don't know about
Naruto: Shippuden, since I'm still watching Naruto. However, I am loving it! I
am loving Naruto, it might be second favorite anime of all time, after One
Piece, or third after Hunter X Hunter, can't decide yet. Clearly, it didn't
surpass One Piece, and it never will I think, but it definitely surpassed
Bleach (I'm talking about the big three here). It seems like the only credit I
can give Bleach, is that it has the most refined art between the three, but
that's pretty much it. Between, the three, Naruto seems to be the least
surprising, so far it's kind of predictable, but it's pretty much enjoyable,
that I can go on watching for hours. I decided, finally, to watch Naruto after
attending the Egycon a couple of months ago, and realizing that I am missing on
loads of stuff, not having watched Naruto. I and my brother like to watch
mainstream long running anime together, so we actually made the decision when
he started to feel like he's missing on something too. Well, a while ago there
was a total Lunar eclipse – Bloodmoon - and everyone was like XXX (I don't know
his name, and I don't want to, I want to be surprised) from Naruto is coming! He
seemed like some scary villain, he doesn't know about, and that's when he
decided it's time to watch Naruto, and we started soon after we finished
Durarara!!x2, and so far it's good! It's enjoyable to watch and there are many
likable characters; and my favorite character so far is Uzumaki Naruto! :D
Well it feels so much like watching Sakuragi Hanamichi from Slam Dunk. He's an
idiot, but I like him! And he's, well, cute! Not handsome "cute, I mean
childish "cute". His "Ano sa! Ano sa!" is so kawaii! I like
him, and I don't want him to grow up! I don't like Sakura and Sasuke, but I
absolutlely like Kakashi. Afterall, he's the one Naruto character that I
thought looked cool, before ever considering watching Naruto; and it's not just
about the character design; he feels like Kyoraku from Bleach, Urahara from
Bleach, Gintoki from Gintama, well a bunch of cool characters and his own
unique self ,so he's awesome! There're many other characters I like, Jiraiya
for example.. well I don't really feel like going for long with this, so let's
stop here, or I'll keep going forever about Naruto, it deserves it!
About the hobby, well, you know? Many times, I think
that something interests me and I get so hyped about and when I start to take
it kind of seriously, it turns out I wasn't really interested, or it wasn't
really my thing. That's why I've been very cautious about the "getting
excited" part. I've been thinking, maybe I should do the "take it
seriously" part first, and see what happens. Honestly, I don't even want
to talk about it until I'm 100% sure, it's my thing. Call me superstitious or
whatever! I know I can be! XD However, I decided to wake my artistic sense,
improve my handwriting and my drawing; that may give you a hint!
That's all for today! Ja ne!
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