Saturday, May 10, 2014

Books Introduction 2

Ever since I was little I read magazines and comics such as "Mickey","Bolbol","Alla El-Deen" and many others. My first real book was during my 12th year, we just heard about this movie called "Harry Potter" that everyone was crazy about, we saw the second movie and I was in love with the story and one day my dad bought me the second book in the series "Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets". I never thought that would be my window to reading before Harry Potter I thought reading was boring and tiring but now 9 years later I've read around 70 books :D Reading is just a unique experience with each book that's why I wanted to share one of my favorite books with Yosra "The kite runner" which we'll definetley review later ;) If you enjoy books as much as we do tune in.

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