Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Anime character of the day (2)

I'm sure this is the first to come to my mind because of the movie I saw yesterday :D

Character: Takeshi or as I've known him for all my life Brock
Anime: Pokemon
Age: 15 years old
Role: Ash's traveling companion.
History: Brock had a rough childhood with his father disappearing and after that his mother leaving, he had to take care of his siblings and become the Pewter Gym leader. When finally his father came back he was able to join Ash and Misty in their quest.
Specialty: He started as a rock type trainer and then started collecting other types along their journey. His main goal was to become a breeder. That goal started changing after the Diamond & Pearl series as he saw his friends' dreams being bigger than his, so he decided he wanted to become a Pokemon doctor instead, which feels more like him if you ask me (I know that white coat would suit him well :D)
Who he is: Brock was portrayed as a gentle friend who cares so much for Pokemon. I remember him preparing so many meals for his and his friends' Pokemon (small brown delicious looking food :D). Sometimes he is the voice of reason in the group and gives good advice. His backpack became quiet legendary for the amount of supplies it carries XD He's very smart and helps his friends understand Pokemon battles and strategies better.
Why I absolutely love him: In addition to all those merits, my favorite thing about him is his- not so successful- pursuit of beautiful women. He's hilarious! I don't even know how he differentiates between all those officers Jenny and Nurses Joy (Yes they all have the same name and are all over those Pokemon cities :D) He's just smitten at first sight and keeps trying to pursue a girl for a whole episode until she breaks his heart OR Misty pulling his ear :D Just look at him XD

Bonus: An interesting thing about Brock is that his eyes are always appearing closed, which annoyed me alot as a child as if they were too lazy to draw him a pair. Anyway we were lucky enough to see his eyes opened (unwillingly) a couple of times :D

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