Sunday, August 17, 2014

Anime Character of the Day

We'll be having one of those everyday....hopefully :D

Character: Makimachi Misao "Weasel Girl"
Manga: Rurouni Kenshin
Anime: Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan
Age: 16 years old
Role: Supporting character

       Makimachi Misao is a member of the Oniwabanshū clan. She made her first appearance in the second arc, New Kyoto. She's, definitely, one of my favorite anime female characters!
       Misao worships Shinomori Aoshi the leader of the Oniwabanshū, since he used to raise her as a child with the rest of the group.  She's been very dedicated to finding him. That's when she meets Kenshin, and sticks to him on the hope he would lead her to Aoshi.
       My first impression of Misao was that I liked her. I was worried, though, that she'd turn into a very annoying character once she realizes how things were between Aoshi and Kenshin. However, she didn't let me down. Her liking Aoshi didn't make her choose his side when he was on the wrong. She could judge from the time she accompanied Kenshin, that he's the one she should support, even if that meant opposing Aoshi.
      Misao is a very animated character. She clearly expresses her emotions and switches between different emotional states quickly.  She might not be physically strong but her strong will and determination make up for that. She's always ready to help and she's liked by everyone.
     Misao, also, is one of the funniest characters in Rurouni Kenshin. She makes a hilarious duo with Yahiko.

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