Thursday, August 28, 2014

Anime Character of the Day (9)

 Shintarō Natsume, one of my Beelzebub unsolved mysteries… XD

Character: Shintarō Natsume
Anime/Manga: Beelzebub
Age: 18
Role: Supporting

          Natsume is an Ishiyama high student and one of Kanzaki's underlings. Natsume is one of the most interesting characters of Beelzebub and he remains so till the end. He, always, seems calm and carefree. He rarely gets involved in the fights, he prefers to watch in amusement. In spite of being Kanzaki's underling, he's most probably stronger than Kanzaki. He's just following him, because it's fun. He could defeat the MK5 all by himself. He could also handle one of the 6 holy knight of St. Ishiyama alone. He was also claimed to be of Tojo's level by Misao one of Yohei Nasu's underlings. He's interested in Oga and his strength. He also acknowledges him as the strongest of Ishiyama's delinquents, calling him the big boss.  
         He seems to be enjoying the trouble, whenever it happens. We, rarely, witness his fights, we usually see the outcome, which is a defeated foe and him showing unscathed. In spite of being, apparently smarter than Kanzaki and Shiroyama, he goes along with their, idiotic actions. He's never seen advising them against anything. He seems to enjoy watching them acting stupid and falling in trouble, like when Kanzaki was trying to become stronger to defeat Oga, in the first arc.  

        In spite of his laidback attitude, Natsume is loyal to his friends. He's always, there for help. He helped with the holy knights. He was, also, a member of Ishiyama's volley ball team against the holy knights. He participated in the search for En. He trained with others, under Saotome, to defeat Behemoths Pillars (Akumano Academy). He was also a very effective member of the Saints in the final arc.

           Natsume is a mystery because we never know how strong he is. We never see him in a complete fight. We never understand what's going on in his head. He seems to be always enjoying the situation, whatever it is. I was waiting for a Natsume surprise till the end of the manga, but there was no such thing. He remains a mystery, or maybe that's just how he is. It was noted in the manga itself, that the guy is a mystery. However, he's one of favorite Beelzebub characters. :D

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