Tuesday, August 19, 2014

TV Series Character of the Week

Character: Donna Noble
TV Series: Doctor who (Series 4)
Role: Main Character - Comapnion
Played by: Catherine Tate

This week's character is Donna Noble. Donna Noble is the tenth Doctor third companion. However series 4 was not her debut. Her first appearance was in the Christmas special that follow series 2 "The Runaway Bride". Her first appearance was quite comical, something we needed after "Doomsday". There's no doubt Donna is bad tempered and noisy, she gave the Doctor a hard time when they first met. However, she shows her soft, merciful and humane side later.
During the new doctor who, she was the only character that refuses to accompany the Doctor. Anyway, she regret it later and we see that in the premiere of series 4 "Partners in crime". From the premiere of series 4, it seemed that we were going to witness one hilarious Doctor who series. That was the case on many occasions, and episodes like the unicorn and the wasp, for example. But, the series also had its fair share of heartbreaking episodes, and an end that contradicts the premiere's happy reunion.

Donna was the doctor's friend and that was it. That's what made her my favorite companion. They were a brilliant duo. She was not just another companion of the doctor, who followed him in whatever he says. She'd object on whatever she thinks is wrong. She's not one to turn a blind eye on whoever needs help, because they just can't help. She's also one of the funniest new doctor who characters.
In spite of Donna's sorrowful ending with the doctor, she had a satisfying closure in "The end of time". 

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