Monday, August 18, 2014

Song of the Day

Song: Can't take my eyes off you!
Artist: Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons
Album: - - Single (1967)

        For me, this song was the song that Heath Ledger sang for Julia Stiles in 10 things I hate about you, or that was the case till a month before. We were at Hend's place, working on our graduation project, and she felt like listening to it. I was saying that I liked Heath Ledger's version best, since the other version I'd heard was slow and boring. Then, Hend said that he was not even really singing and we got into the argument whether it was good or not. Then, Summar played her usual role, judging between us. So, we listened to the movie version again, and Summar decided that it was no good. We decided to find the original version and listen to it. It started and I thought it was the same boring one from before, but then It got all better at the part "I love you baby…". I was just thinking this is good, when Summar said it. :) 
        Now, whenever I hear it I remember this argument and those days, and I love the song even more. <3

FYI, the performance by Heath Ledger in the 1999 film 10 Things I Hate about You, was nominated for Best Musical Sequence in the 2000 MTV Movie Award!
See?! It was not that bad after all! XD

1 comment:

  1. تصدقي كنت ناسية الحوار ده كله XD
    It's nice that you remember that ^_^ and the nomination! wow I had no idea, it was a good scene all in all :D
