Friday, October 31, 2014

Why One Piece isn't bad? III

          Min'na, Konbanwa! This my third "Why One Piece isn't bad?" post. Today I'll discuss three other points or complaints about One Piece. Beware, this post is full of SPOILERS!! If you haven't finished at least the Summit war saga in One Piece, then I suggest you don't read this. Now, let's move to today's three points:

Straw Hats Shot from the 13th Opening "One Day" T_T

1) Predictability? Let's see about that. You cannot expect a manga that has been going for over 15 years now, non-stop, and is supposed to continue for 10 more, to be entirely unpredictable. Also, you can't judge it to b predictable until you see the end of it. And come on! When it comes to surprises. One Piece had many, really unpredictable. I am not talking here about the outcome of a fight between Luffy, or Zorro and some other antagonist. It's naturally predictable they'd finally win, or there won't be one piece. That's the case with anything we watch, maybe except for Game of Thrones. I mean how come the fact that Luffy is a marines' vice admiral grandson is predictable, or that Ace is Gol D.Roger's son, or that Luffy is Dragon's son… or that I spoiled at myself most of these surprises -_- …never mind that. The point is One piece has a good deal of unpredictable surprises.

2) Nobody dies! … I thought of checking the date on which that reviews were written before judging the writers, which turned out to be this year. Well, seriously?! I am not going to talk much about that. Anyone who's actually watching one piece up to the latest arc, would know that this is false accusation, and anyone who watches Shounen anime knows that, generally speaking, no one dies! (Maybe except for shingeki no Kyojin). It's not like this is One Piece's problem, and its alone. That's of course on the assumption that no one dies in One Piece, which is again not true.  

3) The story is simple, or it lost its purpose… I don't know about that. If you mean because they stop by other islands and do stuff, of course you were not expecting them to head directly to One Piece without any obstacles or distractions. If that was the case then the story would have deserved to be called too simple. Actually, the story and the plot of One Piece is the best thing about it. One piece was good as to give you something to look forward to from the very beginning. That way you'll always have something to be curious about. Even if you are the biggest hater of one piece, but since you started watching it and knew about it, you'd care to know what One Piece was after all. Many anime are so good but they lack that ultimate purpose, they'd just depend on current events and temporary mysteries, which could become boring at some point, you'd find yourself purposeless while watching it and you'd stop. That's one thing. Now, if you go through One Piece you'd realize that the purpose might be much more complex than it initially seemed to be. We're not looking for some mysterious treasure and that's it. There's a much bigger story behind that, a story with too many mysteries that we keep coming across along the anime. So, if you ask me now, if the only thing I'm looking forward to is one piece. I'd say not. I'd like to know about the secret of the Will of D, the void century, how the world government came to be, the poneglyphs, the three ancient weapons. I'd like to know more about the revolutionaries and more of what they know. There's also that other goal of meeting Shanks once again. There are loads of interesting characters that I wish to know more about, characters I wish to witness their development, and characters I wish to see their end. I am currently watching the on-running Dressrosa arc, slow paced as it is, it alone has loads of mysteries that I am dying to see solved by the end of it. See? All these interesting topics and mysteries were aroused and discovered because of the obstacles they faced and the islands they stopped by. Also, crossing the grand line to One Piece is not hindered only by natural causes there are big forces other than the Marines, like the Yonko and the Shichibukai that you need to overcome or you'd never dream to go far. The world of One Piece is so interconnected and interesting. It always gives you something bigger to look forward to.

Some "If we knew back then..." moments! :D

That's all for today! See you next post! Ja ne! 

For the two previous posts from the series:

Thursday, October 30, 2014

What to do if Halloween isn't a big thing in your country!

Halloween is no big thing in Egypt and frankly I don't notice it until I see some ads of children's Halloween costumes. But now that I remember, I wanted to tell you about some things that pop into my head whenever I think of Halloween.

1. It exists in Egypt!

A couple of years ago a friend was telling me this interesting story about the celebration of Halloween in Egypt. She told me in one of Maadi's quiet streets known for its prestigious residents, they did trick or treat in Halloween, dressing up and all. I was surprised, but thought it's kind of cool as well :D Though I can't imagine myself walking in the street with any sort of costume.

2. Hocus Pocus

This is one of my favorite movies as a child :D It's about three sisters who were sentenced to death 300 years ago for the practice of magic, and are accidentally resurrected by a new boy in town.
I won't talk much about the movie, but it's a very entertaining one with loads of funny moments and adventure, and a talking cat!  ^_^

3. Sabrina, the teenage witch

Speaking of witches and talking cats, Sabrina comes to mind. I have very vague memories of watching the movie, but I remember the animated series very well and I just loved watching it.

4. Pumpkins

It's Halloween's signature! Pumpkins with scary faces carved on them.
A side note: There is this dish my family makes consisting of sweet pumpkins and bechamel and it's heavenly!! <3

5. Cinderella

When you mention pumpkins, Cinderella is right next to it. Without pumpkins she would've never made it to that life changing party!

6. New year's eve

People all over the world have costume parties in Halloween, but my family does that in New year's eve :D We've been doing that for the last couple of years and it has been loads of fun.
The good thing about that is that Halloween would provide new ideas for me to use :D

7.The nightmare before Christmas

Another Halloween movie. I've watched once and it was good, but I remember it best from the Playstation 2 game Kingdom hearts where we got to live in Jack's story.

8. Makeup can be something interesting!

Last year we discovered this Youtube channel of a makeup artist doing Halloween makeup and she was good. It made me realize that makeup can be such a powerful tool in my next costume party.

9. Casper

Who doesn't love the cute friendly ghost! Either the movie or the animated series I love both and would watch them whenever on TV.

10. Candy

The one thing that brings me down in Halloween season, is we don't get free candy everywhere we walk! But I quickly overcome that when I reward myself with any sort of sweet :D

Finally, I love using this day as an opportunity to watch scary movies and enjoy sweets (as if I need an excuse for that XD) so you might as well do.

Halloween is here!

This little totally adorable creature popped onto my FB feed and I just had to share it! Happy Halloween people!

Why One Piece isn't bad? II

            As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm starting a series of posts about why One Piece isn't bad. In the series, I'll discuss the claimed negatives of One Piece. I'd like to notify before I start, that, by no means, I am offending anyone. I am just telling what I think.

One Piece art back in the old days ... I kind of miss it!

So, let's start with the one I cannot entirely defend: The Art!
         Even I can't deny that the art of One Piece is, well, a bit eccentric, but I think it suits the atmosphere in One Piece. In the first couple of episodes I had a hard time adjusting, but later on I got so used to it that I can't imagine it any other way. Now, I'd rather call it unique, and it's most ertainly not poor in quality. Also, it's not like One Piece is the only anime with weird art. I love Fullmetal Alchemist, but I thought the characters were too chubby and I didn't like that, did that make me dislike the anime any less? It might have discouraged me from watching it at first, just like with One Piece, but I didn't like it any less, for that, when I started watching it.
         So is it okay to think that the art of One Piece is too weird to watch? Well, yes, but I can't imagine someone not being curious to know why a manga with such art is so popular. And is it okay to hate One Piece because of the art, after I read the manga or watched the anime? Well, I personally think it’s not okay since Oda has more than made up for it with a brilliant plot.

Some Manga volume covers, manga and anime art samples

         To the second point, which I can partially debate, but not completely: One Piece defies logic.
I've read many complaints about One Piece not being logical sometimes, and that it doesn't obey laws of physics and such. Did I think One Piece was being illogical sometimes? Yes! Was it because it didn't obey the laws of physics? Absolutley not!
          If you’re expecting the anime you watch to be realistic, then don't go and watch a fantasy anime, and then complain that it's not realistic or illogical. First of all, the world of One Piece is made of 4 seas divided by the grand Line and Red line, does that sound like the planet Earth we live in, to you? Of course, not. Then why do you expect it to follow the rules that apply in the world we live in. Does it look like we have such a thing as devil fruits? Then why does it surprise you that the clouds in One piece are not condensed vapor but something massive with people living on it and to which Doflamingo can attach his strings and swing. I won't deny that I was annoyed by Sanji's nose bleeding in Fishman Island, and going as far as basing event on something so silly, and turning something that was supposed to be for gags into something serious, but this and that are completely different. Why? Because one piece resided to logic in that one. It’s not possible for someone to nose-bleed like that for such reasons, I'd let it pass if it's only for gags, but to make the nose bleeding actually life threatening and base events on that… I didn't like it, half doing things. There's also Sanji changing Duval's look by reforming his facial bone structure; that was another thing that I thought was stupid. I've just noticed both times it's about Sanji! :D No offense to Sanji, he's one of my favorite anime characters and one of the coolest ;and I have to admit I was disappointed at how the mystery of the Merry's repair in Skypea was solved, thought that has nothing to with it being unrealistic, it's just that I was expecting something more interesting. Anyway, I can't recall being provoked by the illogicality in anything else, the anime is a fantasy, in a world that's no ours. It can has its own rules, creatures and phenomena.

One Piece World Map!
Skypiea! <3 
Weatherea... another sky island!

Sanji's annoying nose bleed! -_-
Devil Fruit

                           This is what I think about these two particular points, that some think of as major negatives in One Piece. I'll be discussing other points in tomorrow's "Why One Piece isn't bad?" post. Mata ne! ^_^ 

Celebrating a 100 Post!!

          In celebration of our 100th post, we thought we should do something different. So we decided to reward you with our top 10 lists in various categories. We urge you to enjoy all these things for they are among the finest and you're free to thank us later ;) 
          I would just like to note that these are our top 10 now, maybe they'll change tomorrow or in a year, so there are a lot of other great items out there that didn't make it to our lists because they are not yet discovered or 10 is just such a small number :D __ Summar

          Such a good way to celebrate! I always liked listing! I've never been good at it, though, since I'm the most indecisive person in the world. Anyway, I'd like note that my top 10s are in no particular order, maybe except for number one in each list. I am not even sure that these are my to 10, but they are most probably (giving you a taste of my indecisiveness), since they were the first that came to my mind. However, I assure you, they are all good stuff! :D __ Yosra 

Top 10 Anime
Summar Yosra
Lovely complex
One Piece
Romeo no aoi sora
Rurouni Kenshin
Skip beat
Hunter X Hunter
Attack on titan
Slam Dunk
Kaichou wa maid-sama
Aka-chan to boku
Tonari no kaibutsu-kun
Meitantei Conan
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Attack on Titan

Top 10 Books
Harry Potter series
Harry Potter Series
The hunger games series
Kane and Abel
Lorien legacies series
The Kite Runner
ربع جرام
The Hunger Games Series
To Kill a Mocking Bird
A thousand splendid suns
Jane Eyre
Life of Pi
Shopaholic Series
Oliver Twist
The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Can you keep a secret
Twelfth Night
آدم المصري
Jessica on her Own
Top 10 J-Drama
Hana Yori dango
Hana Yori Dango
Hana kimi
Hana Kimi
Nobuta wo produce
Atashinchi no Danshi
Liar Game
My girl
Mei-Chan no Shitsuji
Nobuta wo Produce
Zettai kareshi
My Girl
Top 10 Movies
The shawshank redemption
Spirited Away
The pursuit of Happyness
Howl's Moving Castle
Ella Enchanted
A little princess
Princess Diaries
Leon: The professional
The Butterfly Effect
Back to the future
Sherlock Holmes
Whisper of the heart
Miss Congeniality
The sound of music
10 Things I hate about you
Howl's moving castle
Pirates of the Caribbean

Top 10 Series
Downton Abbey
How I met your mother
Full house
Doctor Who
Finding Carter
Grey's anatomy
Even Stevens

Top 10 Songs
Counting stars
 By: OneRepublic
Monochrome no Kiss - 
By: Imagine dragons
Don't Fear the Reaper -
 Blue Oyser Cult
As long as you love me
By: Backstreet boys
One Summer's Day - 
Joe Hisaishi
Wake me up
By: Avicci
Sukiyaki - 
Kyu Sakamoto
Like nobody else
By: My darkest days
Canon in D -
Viva la vida
By: Coldplay
Carmen -Bizet
Konya tsuki no mieru oka ni
By: B'z
SOS - Abba
Harder we fall
By:Jessie J.
Radioactive - 
Imagine Dragons
Best day of my life
By: American authors
Can't Take my Eyes off you -
Frank Valli & The 4 Seasons
By: Misterwives
No Leaf Clover - 

Top 10 Dishes
Chicken Curry
French fries
Balsamic Chicken
Beef Teriyaki
Molten chocolate cake
French Fries
Fried chicken
Grilled Mushrooms
Chinese Noodles
Fried Chicken
Taro root stew
Alfredo Pasta
Mille feuille
Fish with Lemon & Butter

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Long time no see :D

It has been almost a month since I last wrote a post in our beloved blog! I'd like to apologize to our imaginary followers who eagerly await our awesome posts (I know you're out there somewhere ;) ). But let me tell you why. First I traveled with my family to our Villa in the north coast in that deserted little "compound" called "Farah 2" :D. Fun little fact Farah 2 was built before Farah 1 and I still can't grasp why they have twisted order or even share the same name. Anyway we spent the Eid there and when we came back, I was preparing along with my mother and brother to travel to Turkey. A country I never thought I wanted to go to, but I'm so glad we did ^_^. Maybe sometime I'll write about that.
After we came back, I've tried multiple times to go back to blogging, but it just felt like heavy weight. I hated not wanting to blog again and just waited thinking maybe I'll come around soon and do it.
Seeing Yosra agreeing with me and the decision to take away the obligatory feeling out of it, I feel good about it again and hope to be able to deliver at least one decent post a day :D
Keep following us and thank you for your patience loyal stranger!

Why One Piece isn't bad?

         This post is the product of too much free time and boredom. Don't be surprised at the fact that I spent a while writing this. I've nothing else to do. That's a fresh graduate's life for you; one that decided to take a break instead of getting a job.
         This was supposed to be a one-time post, or whatever you call it, but it turned out too long; that's why I decided to make it into a series of posts. I wouldn't like to test the patience of our dear fictional reader.

Excuse the old picture. I am just being very paranoid
 about manga spoilers, can't go deep in search. -_-
           Well, I've been checking One Piece reviews out of curiosity a while ago. I am up to episode 665, the latest one released, and I never read any before then. I decided to watch it when I did 2 years ago, because I knew it's very popular and because It had too many episodes and I like to watch long running anime. I knew about One piece much earlier than that but I resisted watching it for 2 reasons: the very same reason why I am watching it, too many episodes has already been made, and the art. Now, I am grateful to my curious self that got over the art and decided to watch the anime, for the art simply grew on me later on. Also, I would have missed a lot.
          However, what I am writing is not a one piece review. I review, only, finished shows, and if we take Oda's word for it, then see you after a decade! I am writing this after I read a good deal of reviews. Naturally, I didn't read the reviews that gave it 8+/10. For I have enough reasons to give it such rating. I noticed that the most common rating was a 10/10. A rating I wouldn't give if I'm being fair but one I'd give if I am being emotional. I've been, lately, in the habit of giving ratings based on how much I enjoyed and not how good a show really is. If I am being fair, up to the point I'd give it an 8/10, it has its faults. However, I postpone such decision to the end of the manga and anime, since the end is going to be the major factor, in my opinion.  Back to the point, I said this is not a review, so why am I writing this, because I noticed that one piece rarely got an average score by viewers, it either got very high ratings as by the majority, or a very low rating as of 3-/10 by a minority. Everyone is free to think of whatever they watch as they please. No one is forced to like anything, even if everyone says it's good. I, for instance, don't like Death Note at all, though everyone, literally, is hyped about it. I didn't think Cowboy Bebop was anything special, in spite of all the recommendations and good reviews. I couldn't even bring myself to complete Steins; Gate. This is not me saying those anime are bad, I know they are very popular. It just that we all have different views on things and different preferences. You can never find a single anime that everyone would say is good. One Piece is very popular. It has loads of fans and much fewer haters, but they hate it too much and that's what grabbed my attention. Maybe, they've been provoked by what they thought as exaggerated popularity, when they thought there was nothing special about it. I am familiar with the sensation, nothing provoked me like the extreme hype over Death Note when I thought it was actually boring, and when they decided to make some unpredictable twist to refresh, they brought on its doom, or that's what I thought.
          None the less, I was surprised by the fact that some people actually rated One Piece with a rating as low as 1/10. I wouldn't give a show however bad it is such a rating. I'd at least by sympathetic with all the effort that was made into it, especially if it had been there for over 15 years. I read the reviews to understand on what basis the reviewer gave it such rating. Well, again I emphasize on the fact that everyone has the right to think of whatever they want as ever they want; that's why I read some of the reviews calmly and with an open mind as much as possible. However, there were a few ones at which I couldn't hold myself from pressing the dislike button. I think it's very childish, but I thought that these were not some personal opinions. The things, based on which they gave the ratings were mostly a proof that they don't get One Piece. Let me clarify first, that I couldn't object to those who dislike the anime but like the manga. I didn’t read the manga so I don’t know about that, and besides that means that their objections are purely technical and I won't object to that. As for who disliked One Piece as an existence, I've got the main points they mentioned in mind and I'll prove that most of them are not true in this series of posts. So, await our daily "Why One Piece isn't bad?" post! ^_^ 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Change Alert No.2!

              This is a bigger one than our last. We started a couple of months ago, a program to follow which is: a daily character and a song, a weekly anime, movie, book and J-drama, and a monthly TV series. However, after 6 weeks of keeping this going, we realized that it won't work. The scheduled posts started to feel like an obligation and "To place yourself under an obligation is to sell your liberty." (Don't mind the exaggeration!) Anyway, the point of the blog was that we'd find somewhere of our own to write, whatever we feel like writing, whenever we feel like it and that's what we are going to do. There'll be no more scheduled daily and weekly posts about certain topics. We'd just write about the topic that rises in our heads the moment it rises. However, we promise our dear anonymous faithful reader who awaits our posts with utter enthusiasm, and who doesn't actually exist; we promise you at least a post per day, the blog shall never be deserted. That was our big announcement and thanks for the attention, our fictional reader! 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

JDrama of the Week (6)

JDrama: Nobuta wo produce
Genre: School Drama
Episodes: 10
Network: NTV

                   Nobuta wo produce is a light-hearted, most enjoyable, drama. Kotani Nobuko aka Nobuta (Horikita Maki) is an introvert, with no friends. She has weak communication skills and a creepy smile. She's insecure and defenseless against bullying. Kiritani Shuji (Kamenashi Kazuya) is the cool, popular, high school guy who has the most popular girl as a girlfriend. However, it's all an act. He thinks everyone around him are childish and inferior, he only ges with the flow to have a trouble-less high school life. Kusano Akira (Yamashita Tomohisa) is completely the opposite, which explains why Shuji dislikes him the most. He's the only one he can't even pretend to be able to get along with. He's very laid back. He walks and talks in a peculiar manner, and he's always laughing. He looks like he's always drunk. Though it seems, from that, it's impossible for the two of them to cooperate at all, Nobuta makes it possible. After they both see who helpless and insecure she's they secretly decide to "produce" her as to make her the most popular girl at school. That's how the story of their friendship begins.

                 I like watching Nobuta, it was very enjoyable and funny. I liked everyone's acting. Kusano Akira is, by all means, my favorite role played by Yamashita, and, my favorite character in the drama. I've seen him in Kurosagi and Code blue, but that was the very first time, apart from acting skills, I liked his clumsy and funny but caring character. I liked Shuji less but that's not Kamenashi's fault, his acting was perfect, which why I liked him less, and Maki was fine as always. There were other interesting characters like the vice principle, nice ones like Mariko and funny ones like Shuji's family. I liked the story of their friendship. I like how it developed and I liked how their conflicts were resolved. The soundtrack for the drama was nice. I, specially, liked "Green Willow". Also the theme song "Seishun Amigo" by Yamashita and Kamenashi was very good. Don't be alarmed by the hints of fantasy or supernatural. The story doesn't revolve around them, so they don't really matter. The drama is mostly realistic. 

               Nobuta wo produce is a heart warming drama. I expected to particularly enjoy it beacuse of the many positive reviews and recommendations and it met my expectations,It was very enjoyable.

My Rating: 8/10