Friday, October 3, 2014

Movie of the Week (5)

Movie: Flipped (2010)
Genre: Comedy – Romance – Drama
Starring: Madeline Carroll - Callan McAuliffe
IMDB Rating: 7.7/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 55%

               Flipped is a light hearted comedy, based on a novel by the same name. It revolves around Juli (Madeline Carroll) and Bryce (Callan McAuliffe). The story begin in 1957. It starts with little Bryce moving with his family to a new neighborhood, where he meets this creepy girl, who wants, forcefully, to be his friend. Then little Juli's story starts with her setting eyes on the boy who moved to the house across the street. When she looks into his eyes, she knows it is love. Six years pass, through which the easily embarrassed Bryce tries to get rid of the obsessed Juli. This goes on, until the incident of the old sycamore takes place. That's when things start to flip!

         As of what I thought of the movie, generally speaking, I don't like kids' romance movies. I don't like how the innocence of childhood is ruined in such manner. Naturally, I would have never considered watching Flipped, but it was recommended many times, and I had finished all the watchable movies in the world. So, I watched it and I'm glad that I did!
      - Throughout Flipped we see the story twice, once from Bryce's point of view, and once from Juli's. Seeing how they differently perceive the events and each other's deeds, makes it funny.
      - The romance in this movie was not trivial or inappropriate as is the case with many teenage romance movies. It was nice to watch. Also, it was nice to watch how views differ when we grow up, how respect and appeal are based on things like mind and value, not on superficial looks.
      - The drama which had to do mostly with Juli's and Bryce's family affairs and hardships, was good. It was also nice to watch the different time they lived in, the early 60s, how they lived then, dressed and entertained themselves.
      Finally, I can say that I found Flipped a light-hearted drama, enjoyable to watch and one of a kind. 

My Rating: 8.5/10 

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