Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Change Alert No.2!

              This is a bigger one than our last. We started a couple of months ago, a program to follow which is: a daily character and a song, a weekly anime, movie, book and J-drama, and a monthly TV series. However, after 6 weeks of keeping this going, we realized that it won't work. The scheduled posts started to feel like an obligation and "To place yourself under an obligation is to sell your liberty." (Don't mind the exaggeration!) Anyway, the point of the blog was that we'd find somewhere of our own to write, whatever we feel like writing, whenever we feel like it and that's what we are going to do. There'll be no more scheduled daily and weekly posts about certain topics. We'd just write about the topic that rises in our heads the moment it rises. However, we promise our dear anonymous faithful reader who awaits our posts with utter enthusiasm, and who doesn't actually exist; we promise you at least a post per day, the blog shall never be deserted. That was our big announcement and thanks for the attention, our fictional reader! 

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