Thursday, August 21, 2014

Book of the Week

Book: Daddy Long Legs
Author: Jean Webster
Genre: Classic – Romance – Young Adult
Year: 1912
Goodreads rating: 4.06/5

        Apart from the introduction, Daddy Long Legs, is a set of letters sent by the main character, Jerusha (Judy) Abbott to her benefactor, daddy long legs.
        Judy is an orphan who was raised in an orphanage. Judy was the eldest of the orphans, so she watched over them. Judy was into writing. One day, she writes the essay "Blue Wednesday". An important trustee is impressed by it and he decides to send her to college. However, his condition was that she'd write him monthly letters, telling him about her daily life and progress. Also, she shall not know who he is, or his real name. Judy is thrilled at the news. She's grateful to the trustee and she hurries after him to thank him. But all she catches is the shadow of very long legs extending on the wall.
       The fact that the book was a set of letters from Judy to her daddy long legs made me think it'd be boring. However, I found it very enjoyable. Judy has a sense of humor. She talks about everyone and everything. She talks about her feelings, fears and hopes. You could also tell a lot from the gaps between her letters. If she's sending more frequently then she's feeling good. If she's not sending letters, then she's frustrated or upset.
         One of my favorite letters was the one she was trying to write in French. It gave me a good laugh. I thought that's how I'd write a letter in French.
          Why I decided to read the book, in the first place, was that I used to watch its anime adaptation as a child. It was dubbed in Arabic and went with the name صاحب الظل الطويل"". I loved it. It was a really nice adaptation, though it was never finished. It turned out that they didn't dub the whole anime. I'm planning to watch it in Japanese, one day and complete it.

My Rating: 8/10

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