Thursday, November 6, 2014

Heaven in a bun I

One of the blessings of travelling to a foreign country, is trying their food ^_^ And gladly our trip to Turkey was rewarded with some yummylicious meals <3
I'll try to tell you about some of them, so if you're ever there, I definitely recommend trying them!!

1. Shawarma

As Egyptians we're very familiar with Shawarma, but you never really know a good Shawarma until you taste theirs. They use what we call "Lebanese bread", you know that flat thin bread that's the one. That bread is fully stuffed with mouthwatering mix of Shawarma, cheese and sometimes garlic with mayo or light veggies (lettuce, tomato, onion).

The amazing thing about Turkish shawarma is, first they're not stingy they will fill that wrap to its rim. Second the taste is really good. Third you can find them almost in every street and you'll probably find an Arab working there :D

On our very first day after spending almost 4 hours on the trip from the airport to the hotel, we decided to take a look around in the area near our hotel. We decided to find a place to eat, but then realized we only had dollars and not a single Turkish lira, until we found this little place with a guy calling for people to try their food and with ears like antennas we instantly detect the Arabic words :D We asked him if we could pay via credit card, so the manager tried to withdraw 1TL and we were in luck! It was our very first meal on that side walk with the slightly chilly night breeze with delicious Shawarma, warm fries and soft drinks ^_^

2. Fast food

Once again as Egyptians we know that the quality of fast food in Egypt is simply bad! (and yet I love having a meal of those every week :D) and so we have to try whatever we find of the world famous food chains.
I was lucky enough to try two of those, McDonald's and Burger King. The thing in common is the frying process. Not a single time of the 3 that I ate fast food did I find the fries over-fried or greasy. It tasted great and I wasn't feeling much guilty about breaking my diet ;) I even saw a guy in the street frying something and the oil was pure gold!
Another point is they appreciate Mayo!! I enjoy Ketchup but what I love is Mayo. They provide you with little packets of both to enjoy with your meal.

In McDonald's when we ordered extra fries, they gave us a special pack to put the fries into, add this flavored powder and shake! They also gave us gifts and it wasn't a happy meal!

 3. Baked goods

Near our hotel we discovered this amazing place called Simit Sarayi which hosted our dinners for the rest of our stay :D
They have a great variety of goods displayed that capture your heart at first sight. We tried their mini pizza, regular and with cheese. We also tried the muffins, croissants and of course simit.
Words won't do this place justice. I loved every single item <3 The prices were very reasonable and frankly I'd gladly give them my money :D

The great news I found out while writing this post is that IT'S HERE!!! yes in Egypt \O/\O/\O/ ^_^ There's only one branch, but I'd go the distance for it and gladly it's only in "Eltagamo3 el 5ames" so not way too far from home :D

Wait for my next post about more delights of food we had in Turkey ;)
To be continued...

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