Sunday, November 2, 2014

Why One Piece isn't bad? V

           Mina-san! Konnichiwa! This the the fifth and final post in the series "Why One Piece isn't bad?" With those three points of today I will have finished discussing most if not all of the complaints about One Piece. I tried to be reasonable in my justifications and defense, but I can't deny, afterall, I might be a bit biased. One Piece is my favorite anime and the Straw-hats feel like family, one might get emotional XD. Beware of the SPOILERS!!

1) Lame Fights!
            Most of those who dislike One Piece have complained about that. Luffy and his goofiness detract from the seriousness of the fight. Well, I recall I read an article some time ago, in which Oda was saying why he chose the Gomu-Gomu devil fruit for Luffy. I don't remember the exact text he said but what he meant was that he wanted the reader to be relaxed even during the intense fight scenes. A comical power like Luffy's would do the job. It can be strong and funny, all the same. So, I think that's why you think the fights are silly. It was done on purpose. Apparently, Oda didn't aim for the kind of experience you were expecting. He was aiming for a different one, which I, personally, found enjoyable. Also, it's not like all the fights in One Piece, always, have the comical atmosphere. They get serious when they need to. Besides, It's, always, interesting to see Luffy's newly developed techniques. I'm no expert in fight scenes, honestly but I don’t think that I liked the figt scnes in One Piece any less than those in other high rated Shounen-battle anime. I have a little confession though, Usopp's fight are sometimes very boring that I might skip them.

2) Unmemorable Soundtracks!
              There are anime that I’d make sure to get their OST discography after I watch them and other anime that I don't even notice that they had soundtrack playing in the back ground. As for me, One Piece is from the first type. Like any other point this one is arguable too. Generally speaking, I like the One Piece OST and I think it suits it. Memorable? Yes, many of them are to me, and they remind me of certain scene and arcs. Overtaken reminds me of the crew guys heading to Arlong Park, it reminds me of many other cool scenes. To the Grand Line! Reminds me, particularly, of the earlier episodes, before they cross the Grand Line. Fight continues reminds me of Shanks in the end of Marineford. Gold and Oden reminds me of Garp and Ace's moment in the execution platform and Garp's confession T_T. There are loads of other awesome tracks like Luffy's attack, Difficult, Angry, Three Towers, Mother Sea…etc. I'll talk about One Piece music in a separate post in the future.

 3) How come these are Pirates?!
              Pirates are bad people, they don't help others, and they kill and steal. That's right, but are there no such pirates in One Piece? There are, but the straw hats are not, white beard pirates for example are not, the red hairs are not, so it's not all right to call them pirates. Let's see! Why did Luffy start a pirate crew? It was his dream since his childhood to find One Piece and be the pirate king. So, he became a pirate because that's his mean to finding one piece, he didn't opt for piracy because he wanted to steal and kill. Zoro was a pirate hunter for the money and to develop his skills, and that's it. He thought that accompanying Luffy would help him find stronger foes and on top Mihawk, that's why he followed, again not for stealing or killing. That's the case for the rest maybe except for Nami, initially. They didn't become pirates because of what comes with it. They became so because it was their only mean to get what they want.  Anyone who watches One Piece, even till before the time skip, should know that there's something fishy about the world government.  So, opposing the government is not necessarily a bad thing. If they call themselves the authority, and opposing them is a crime. Then the straw hats are criminals. So, it’s not completely unreasonable to call them pirates.

Breaking into governmental premises, assisting in the escape of wanted figures and declaring war on the government, I guess that's one form of piracy! :D

              To sum up, I'm not saying that all the previous points are completely wrong, but it's not bad to be a little bit of an open mind and flexibility. It needs patience.
One piece is along running anime/manga If you watch let's say the first 2 sagas, and that's 135 episodes and then accuse it of being lacking in development, it would be like watching a 25-episode anime and judging it after 2 episodes. Long running anime take it slow, and are more detail oriented, if you have no patience for that, then why watch them in the first place?
This manga has been running for 15 years. I can’t help but compare it to another of my favorites "Hunter X Hunter", since they both started around the same time. One might say Hunter X Hunter is more interesting or it has less fillers or it's faster paced; but the only reason for that is because of the too many breaks. Hunter X Hunter has 340 chapter made when One Piece has 764 up this week, more than the double. You can't expect every single chapter to be packed with action. The manga is doing just fine by holding itself with no long breaks till today. One piece is a manga with a plot and main goal that gives it a sufficient space to become as long as it can get, while still providing the reader or the watcher with something interesting. I am saying that whole heartedly because I've seen anime that declined in quality, plot and lost their charm, like for example (personal opinion) Fairy tail. There are also manga that ended abruptly with manga plot holes to avoid that decline like Beelzebub. So I can be nothing but Grateful to One Piece and Eichiiro Oda. ^_^

Here's the link to all the 5 posts of the series : Why One Piece isn't bad? 

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