Thursday, September 25, 2014

Movie of the week (4)

Movie: The pursuit of happyness
Genre: Biography, drama
Starring: Will Smith, Jaden Smith, Thandie Newton
Release date: December, 2006
IMDB rating: 7.9/10
Rotten tomatoes rating: 67%
Plot: The pursuit of happyness is based on a true story of a man called Christopher Gardner. Christopher is a married man with a five year old son who makes a living by selling bone density scanners to anyone he can. At first he thought this project will help him provide a secure life for his family, but this new technology was short lived and he struggled to sell the scanners cramming his house.

Since problems don't come solo, his wife Linda decides to leave Chris because she can't take it anymore. Chris is devastated and through some quarrels he tells Linda to leave if she wants but Christopher, their son, is staying with him.

Chris tries to find ways to sell those scanners to pay the rent, feed his kid and pay his dept. Unfortunately he can't sell anything, his bank account is empty and is forced to leave the apartment he lives in.
Chris and Christopher are homeless now, luckily Chris finds a job a stockbroker that would provide a steady income, but first he has to make it through the interview, a test and then sixth months of unpaid training.
What I think: This movie is one of my favorites ever! It holds so much emotions!!
This is an attempt to guide you through why this movie is special:
1- One of the most famous scenes of the movie is the Rubik's cube scene. Chris was on a cab ride with his employer Jay trying to convince him to give him an interview, when he notices that the guy is only half listening trying to solve the cube. Chris grabs the cube and solves the challenge within minutes which impresses Jay into giving him a chance. I remember once, Will Smith was on Oprah and she was asking him about that scene and she made him do it again live :D Some people will underestimate this because they figured out the algorithm behind the cube, but if you put in mind that this was in the early 90's it will seem quiet smart of Chris.

2- The father figure Chris represents is such an inspiring one. You can actually feel he loves his son so much, maybe his actual son playing that part helped him, but it's still amazing to watch. There's that famous quote as well that I absolutely love, when Chris teaches Christopher to pursue his dream no matter what. Just epic! <3

3- The daycare Christopher went to and the nice Mrs. Chu. I enjoyed those couple of scenes in the daycare and the fact that the kids learn absolutely nothing useful and just watch TV :D Also When Chris sees Happiness written "Happyness", hence the movie's name, his reaction is just funny to me XD.

4- The scene when Christopher loses his Captain America toy when they were getting into a bus and the way he cries for it :'( so innocently beautiful and definitely brings tears to your eyes as it represents Chris losing the comforts of his life and starting a tough one with his father.

5- The way the movie shows that the world has allies and so-called friends. Chris thought his friend Wayne would help him out in his time of need, but it turned out he really can't. Yes, I understand Wayne was in rough financial position as well, but I expected more from him. On the other side they show Ray as an example of a good friend. I love it when they go to that game together, really sweet ^_^

6- The shelter. At some point Chris and Christopher go to a shelter for food and a place to sleep and it was heartbreaking to see them like that, but also seeing those people gives you a glimpse of the real life misery of homelessness.

7- Another scene that is very dear to my heart is in the train station where they spend a night in a toilet stall. No words can do this scene justice so watch it for yourself and judge ;)

8- Chris' interview for the internship was LEGENDARY!! It had wits, humor and greatness.

9- When that homeless guy steals one of those bone scanners XD And Chris running after him to retrieve it. LOL

10- Last but not least what made this movie what it is, is the superb acting along with the great story. Truly one of Will's best! He succeeds in reaching into your heart and grabbing your empathy. It was also smart of him to introduce Jaden to us, because he made his feeling more believable and we also got to see the little boy's talent and cuteness :D

Awards: The movie was nominated for an Oscar for best leading actor. Also nominated for two golden globes, and won an AAFCA (African American Film Critics Association).
My rating: 9/10

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